Sunday, June 9, 2013

a new perspective from life in God's hands

I'm sitting here bored at work.  It's the kind of boredom that makes normal thinking difficult.  Like I ran up and down the stairs at lunch just to wake myself up.  I had someone tell me that my current position is like a paid sabbatical.  I'm grateful, but maybe should be a bit more.

Last year was a flat out crazy busy year.  Living in Thailand actually wasn't too difficult.  There were so many foreigners living there that getting Western goods was pretty easy.  The language was difficult, but that was expected.  I would normally mix in Spanish, German, Chinese, or any other word that I needed with Thai when I couldn't remember my vocabulary.  My Spanish definitely improved :)  Did I tell
you that I would ride my bike with a shade umbrella?  It was a couple miles round trip to my language classes, and I didn't have a motorcycle right away.  AND it was crazy hot out.  So, I made an ice pack to tuck under one arm, and held the umbrella with the other.  The street that I had to ride down was really dangerous.  Like people died on it frequently.  The stereo-type of the Asian driver in this town was correct.  Instead of just totally freaking out with each passing
car I sang songs, out loud, like a traveling performer :)  It steadied my nerves, and had a few people smiling each day.

Once I got my motorcycle there were other adventures.  I did feel safer at least moving at the same rate of speed as the rest of traffic.  I hadn't actually ridden motorcycle before.  I was the type of person who 'would never' ride one because they were so unsafe.  My friends let me borrow theirs, I was desperate for some independence so I took it.  First trip home from their house I ran up on the curb.  I didn't know how to take a corner :) I did that one more time before I
figured out how to lean into it.

There's that overused quote... Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away... That was last year for me.  I had a surplus of the moments that took my breath away.

I should be enjoying the boredom; but what I really love is breath taking; heart racing; good and hard moments where I know that my life is in Gods hands and it's all good.

Practicing thankfulness. 

Keep the Sun Shining!

I remember early mornings during my High School years my Dad would be sitting at his desk reading his Bible.  Underlining sections of scripture until you could no longer read the text through the pen marks and highlights.  There's notes in the margin of names of people he was praying for and the dates he prayed.  Notes from when he lead the Bible study for Sunday School, or ministered in prison.  

Sitting at that desk or others over the years he has prayed for thousands of people.  Systematically he has a brief case full of prayer requests that he reads through and mentions to God on a daily basis.  You should see the stack from the prisoners, that has only grown as he's continued to minister.  Each one is significant to him, he makes copies of these letters and hands them out to everyone that he thinks is willing to pray.  He prays in earnest.

There was a season when he wanted to model his life after Martin Luther, praying and reading for at least 3 hours/day.  He has lead a life of devotion.   Although mostly a farmer or factory worker his simple life has impacted so many.  He spent his energy on acts of service too many to name, served as an Elder at church, and was willing to challenge and encourage anyone that crossed his path. 

I Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,  

This was a verse that my Dad lived by and challenged others with.  For me this model meant that I went into missions.  I learned from a young age that I had a hope that was good enough to share.  So I did.  I remember memorizing the way to lead someone into salvation prayer in several languages.  From Dad's margins on my first trip in 1989 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn. Psalm 37:5. I know my Dad prays for me everyday.  My name is mentioned from his lips to my Father God, it's significant.  

Thankfully no spiritual giant is without fault!  I have learned and grown through the things I've had to forgive him for as well.  My Dad laid the ground work in my life to turn to God, this is the foundation that the rest of my life has grown from.  

He's been an eternal optimist, sometimes frustratingly so!  His quote "keep the Son/Sun Shining" has been one of my favorites.  He has lived with eternity in his heart, heaven as his home goal.  It would be difficult for anyone in a bad mood to remain that way long after spending time with Dad. 

Norbert (his real name) has been in a real fight with cancer that he is no longer winning.  Pray with me now that as he walks and breathes his last on this side of eternity that he will not be faced with pain or despair, but joy and peace in having lived a life pursuing life in God.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Skipping past Mother's Day

First year Ethan comes to me all upset later in the afternoon.  'Mom! Dad is supposed to be here to help me'... tears of frustration.  Ten year old sweet heart who cuddles in my lap.  It's all good.

Fourth year yelling in Target that he can't find what he wanted; continued frustrations with the addition of hormones.  Urgh.

Our third year was the best!  We were in Thailand so basically skipped it :)  There was a card I think from school, but the celebration bit wasn't a part of the culture that we were living in.  Bliss for me

I like American culture.  I think it's great to honor and celebrate the ones we love and who sacrifice for us.  BUT for a 14 year old boy with some developmental delays it's a burden.  That's not the point of the holiday, I don't think.  At least I don't want to put that kind of expectation on my kid, kind of not the point of the celebration.  

Yesterday at one point Ethan turns to me and says 'I don't even know how to make tea (for breakfast in bed), can we just drive through for doughnuts?'  That's when it hits me.  This poor, albeit overly emotional, kid is feeling the pressure not the joy of the holiday.  

So, I tell him right there in very clear terms that we are skipping Mother's Day!  And we do!  Ethan slept in.  We drove through the fast food place that we never go to and avoid for the clown mascot.  They actually have an egg white sandwich (yum).  I make nacho chicken, Ethan's favorite pasta.  We hang out watching Netflix in the afternoon.  My child was finally at peace after stressing over this day for the last few days.  THAT was a gift.  I'll take it :)  

Mother's Day may become more of a celebration again one day, maybe?  Like when he's older and his wife helps him?  Until then, we're just going to keep skipping past this one.  I love being a Mom, and love my kid and my peace of mind way more than the expectation of perfect Hallmark moments.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Today I went to the movies sans make-up!

Sometimes taking a moment to look back can be a really good thing.  I just looked through my Facebook profile pictures.  It's an interesting chronicle of my life.  I have been on Facebook for years, so many many years.  So, what I've noticed is a growing sense of joy.  My oldest pictures are kind of uncomfortable for me to look at.  I really didn't like myself then; or maybe was just uncomfortable with who I had become(?).    My head was tilted; I was making a weird face; or talking.  I looked puffy.  It wasn't just the weight, but it appears that I was carrying a burden that may have just been sadness.   

So, how does God invade that?  Obviously with a tragedy, right?  Yeah, actually that's how God broke through with joy into my life.  He walked me through a horrendous; made for movie type trauma.  It was not expected, but WOW!  Look at me now.   (Clearly still a work in progress).

I'm thinking of untagging myself simply because I don't recognize who I was before.  I won't.   It continues to be a great reminder of where I've come.  I think that the best years are still ahead of me.  That God in his infinite kindness is perfecting me.  

I'm not totally through the hard things, by the way.  I'm just not scared of the 'what if's' like I was before.  What if I don't have what I need?  What if I don't take along some souvenir from this place; will I forget it?  What if I'm left alone?  Spending some time getting rid of excess stuff, excess baggage and letting fear of 'what if' not control my life has been liberating.  Maybe not quite liberating enough to feel totally at ease without my make-up at the movie :)

This year, the unfurling of my heart has been interesting, joy filled and sometimes plain difficult.  Walking forward with the best partner ever, Jesus (of course); love this journey!

THIS song is so much fun!  I've been dancing to it all week, enjoy :)

Banner song  

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Remembering Grace

I had traveled to Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, Russia and the Ukraine on missions trips.  I memorized the "Roman's road" so I would know how to lead someone to salvation if needed.  I was prepared; always prepared to give a reason for the hope that was in me. 

 My daily Bible reading was 5 Psalms and a Proverbs; but I still felt like I was probably not doing enough reading or praying for God.  I only wanted to waste my life on Him.  To make up for the sin I had previously committed, and to be a better Christian.  I looked at the examples of Christians around me and felt that I was probably a miserable failure.  

I was 17! 

That year I went to a youth retreat over New Years.  This was my first encounter with grace.  The real tangible grace of God.  It was a simple service.  Communion.  I could've said the communion passages if needed; I had heard and repeated them so many times.  This time, however, the message got stuck in my throat.  The leader just simply said God wanted us to remember Him.  Breaking bread was just eating; drinking wine was just like at our house how we drank milk at every meal.  God just wants to be with us in our everyday lives?!?  

I felt the weight of those words on my heart.  I sobbed; my heart which felt condemned so many times by my lack of performance suddenly just was real with God.  AND God was really extravagant in his love for me.  I had missed it in my busyness to try to please and look right and say the right things.  God didn't care about all of that he just wanted me to remember him.  

Remembering grace; allowing God to remind me of his presence in moments away from church.  Outside of my feeling holy.  In moments of great joy and pain.  Just remembering Jesus; calling to mind his nearness to me; his loving pursuit of my heart.  Jesus I remember you!

I just love their exuberance!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'll take a side of perseverance with that disappointment

So, if you read my last post it was full of hope and this sense of abandon.  Then this familiar friend, disappointment showed up and tried to show off.  Why is it that during a season of coming into joy?   Does there really need to be perseverance now?   Apparently :)

For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him. Isaiah 64:4

The thing is I'm not a quitter.  I'm a glass half full kind of gal.   I count my blessings in little ways, allowing myself to see that my expectations were just that; expectations.  It means that there's more than I could ever hope or imagine coming, still coming.  

I also got to experience a few new things in this unfurling of my heart season.  One was pursuit.  The other was anticipation.  I loved how those felt to me; loved how I responded to them.  God still whispering in my heart how he longs to know me even more

'O, love that will not let go.  I rest me weary soul in thee, I give you back this life I owe, and in your ocean depths its flow may richer fuller be' ~George Matheson

That's what I'm after... a richer fuller being.  I want to be richer and fuller and maybe a bit more vulnerable.  Maybe not too vulnerable, but willing to see what will happen when I rest in God.  Although I would like to remind Him that this unfurling of my heart was his idea :)

I think there's more God wants to say about all of this, so off now to hide my heart once again in him. 

Blessings to you and your hearts my friends!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

the unfurling of my HEART

When God speaks it's usually about his love and desire for me.  It's really beautiful and a voice that I've known and come to rely on for a long time.  It started way back when I was in the early days of my missions life He would say 'Hannah, I love you'.  It was his signature on my heart.  The way our conversations began.

When this year started I felt like God was saying that I was entering into a season of the unfurling of my heart.  I didn't know my heart had been furled.  I was content with where it was; but then realized that even my heart needs to be set totally free to love again.  

It's not that I feel like I'm still a broken wreck.  I have dreamed and lived and journeyed over these last years in ways that I never expected.  I feel like I have come back to life, and this life is quite lovely.  

"You can know and depend on the love that I have for you." I John 4:6 We know and have believed the love that God has for us; God is love, and he who remains in love, remains in God and God is love. 

So why does God want to mess with my contentment?  Isn't that what I'm supposed to come into?  

I have learned to ask these questions and then in an act of obedience do what I don't have faith to begin; simply because God has asked me to.  He is my loving Father, and his voice has led me so well.  I trust that in this leading in this season He again knows what he's doing. 

Pause, pause, pause, remember to breathe when moving out into uncharted territory.  

So, when it comes to finding love I went to the place that seems to be receiving a lot of accolades... internet dating... don't be jealous :)  

I was reduced to tears by a letter from someone pouring out their heart to me.  A gentle soul with a writing skill mixed with the Holy Spirits softening of my heart.  That's when I felt this true feeling of unfurling.  Until then I thought all was good. 

Then came a few first dates... or should we say a few funny and uncomfortable stories.  I saw in them though this overarching banner which was God's love.  It was like each encounter showed me more of my pent up heart and how it was slowly unraveling from the tight place I had left it safely years ago.  Words and gestures I had come to never expect again were awakening; stirring a place in my heart that had been silent or sleeping until now. 

I don't know what the rest of this season will hold.  Maybe I'll tell a few more great stories.  Yes, I have a few great stories.  For now, I feel very near the brink of happy tears as God continues to lead me out into understanding more of His love for me through this amazing process.  

God has desired and pursued me.  He desires and pursues you.  His banner over us is love, praying that our lives reflect the love we're given, and our hearts receive the joy that He has for us.

This is the song that I'm singing through this process, enjoy!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hard times, hard times, come again no more

It was an email from an old friend.  Someone I look up to for all that they've been able to do and live in ministry abroad.  This is a spiritual giant.   I have heard the stories and seen the scars their lives carry from their great triumphs and losses.  They have lost and lived through such devastation; the kind like Job, that you hope only happens once in a lifetime.  

I'm reading Job right now.  The chronological Bible has it in the beginning, right next to 'the Beginning'.  Job is a book that I feel kindred to.   I have lived and lost, and shouted at God through it, and then seen God move, repent, and carry on with thankfulness for the life I can move forward with.  

What's hard to explain is this idea of continued suffering.  I found myself this week reading about yet another hard time for this lovely family.  It made me really sad, and then just really angry that they were dealing with loss on another more painful level.  

I sent back an note with some scripture and a testimony of what God pulled us through.  It felt a bit hollow, really, like there must be more than this life of misery.   I wanted to be rejoicing with them for what God was doing, not commiserating with them for the obvious pain of their hearts in their current situation.

I said in my note that I wouldn't trade what my suffering led me to; a greater relationship with Jesus.  Well, isn't that what we pray for?  Answers to prayer sometimes comes through intense trials, followed by more trials.  Obviously not for everyone, but character development can come at a high price. 

What I came back to was HOPE!  It may not make sense, but hear me out.   I was listening to some friends here talk about how they couldn't imagine having a child of theirs die, putting a dog down was hard enough.  Something inside me kind of woke up.  My spirit woke up.  What would I do if a child died?  Mine did!  I grieved and I moved forward.  I grieved some more, and slowly began to live again.   That grief isn't in the forefront of my mind anymore.  There's now part of me in heaven that I'm looking forward to seeing and meeting.  It happened so long ago that my perspective on the loss has changed me from feeling grief to feeling hope for what's still to come in eternity. 

See, HOPE is not temporal, it's in the eternal.  God has promised we will have suffering.  We will have trials.  My hope is that through them I will grow closer to God.  That I won't take up an offense for someone else that is suffering, but that I will take the time to pray and lean into Jesus.  In the end my relationship with him is what will last forever.  

If in suffering we learn how to be more like Jesus we become only more of the person we're supposed to be, there's not a loss in suffering.  In suffering there's gain.  Gain which will hopefully make a powerful impact in the world that we live in, because we're not walking wounded, but walking healed. 

This is not the part where I say I want to embrace suffering,  no way.  This is the part where I say I don't want to fear it.  I want it to make me into the MORE LIKE JESUS that I'm after.  

Join me this week praying for B & L, suffering is not fun.  God does offer his peace and joy, and I pray that it's poured out over them.  Over you and the hard times you've walked through.  I pray that only the good is kept and the bitter is left behind as we move forward towards God.  

Yes, I do have good things to report too... more on that later.  Love you!