Sunday, March 3, 2013

I'll take a side of perseverance with that disappointment

So, if you read my last post it was full of hope and this sense of abandon.  Then this familiar friend, disappointment showed up and tried to show off.  Why is it that during a season of coming into joy?   Does there really need to be perseverance now?   Apparently :)

For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him. Isaiah 64:4

The thing is I'm not a quitter.  I'm a glass half full kind of gal.   I count my blessings in little ways, allowing myself to see that my expectations were just that; expectations.  It means that there's more than I could ever hope or imagine coming, still coming.  

I also got to experience a few new things in this unfurling of my heart season.  One was pursuit.  The other was anticipation.  I loved how those felt to me; loved how I responded to them.  God still whispering in my heart how he longs to know me even more

'O, love that will not let go.  I rest me weary soul in thee, I give you back this life I owe, and in your ocean depths its flow may richer fuller be' ~George Matheson

That's what I'm after... a richer fuller being.  I want to be richer and fuller and maybe a bit more vulnerable.  Maybe not too vulnerable, but willing to see what will happen when I rest in God.  Although I would like to remind Him that this unfurling of my heart was his idea :)

I think there's more God wants to say about all of this, so off now to hide my heart once again in him. 

Blessings to you and your hearts my friends!

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