Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Forgetting the refills...

It's amazing to me sometimes how quickly things like toilet roll and dishwashing liquid run out. I use them everyday, but never really think about restocking until we're in the red-zone of having none left. There's moments when I'm fully stocked, have all the aluminum foil I'd ever need, right now it's on the list of red zone items :) There is a little shop around the corner that has all the essentials, and in my town there's a 'cash & carry'; think Asian version of Sam's club, so no reason not to stock up.
Refills also need to happen for my daily spiritual walk. I live and work in ministry. My main purpose is to share Christ and his HOPE with other people. I am to be known by my love demonstrated, in action, and in rest.
This year I set out to read the Bible in one year. There's a great plan from that actually sends an email each day with the few chapters from the Old and New Testament. When I read them, then I delete the email, and know that I've read that days word. There are some days when I simply don't take the time. I'm sure I get on my computer every day, but I check Face Book, or my 'urgent' emails first.
I catch up eventually on the days that were missed. I find myself wondering why I would ever have skipped reading the Bible in the first place. There is so much inspiration, depth and life in the Bible. It's literally the WORD of God.
There's a refilling of my soul that happens when I open up the Bible. There's so much to learn and observe through the words and life examples. It takes so little time to actually read a whole book, or just the few chapters in my reading plan. This is a discipline that adds to who I am, and makes me become more of who I want to be.
Today I did a word search on for the word BLESSED and the word CONNECTED. Deuteronomy 28:1-12 came up under the word blessed, and what an amazing promise for everyone who actually does what God asks. The word connected came up with a few odd references to giving the priest the meat that was connected to the entrails; interesting. I love the Bible! Where else can you get this kind of life and entertainment?
So, I'm refilled for today. Tomorrow I will need to get that aluminum foil (it could happen), and crack open the Bible.
Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

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