Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Today is the day...

Sitting at the local cafe, I'd finished my language lesson early and found myself with just 10 minutes before I needed to leave to pick my friend up from the airport. My brain is a bit scrambled with the new language. My thoughts had also been a bit consumed with getting the spare room set up, and the house ready to receive. Both had been monumental, but there I was ready with 10 minutes to spare.

All I wanted was to be with God, to steal back the time that can so easily slip past. There is in me this desire just to be with Him. I was feeling like maybe I needed to do more. I know I've moved all the way around the world to be a missionary, but sometimes there's a wonder if there's more I should do. (yes this is my own crazy, don't worry, God did speak to this, read on)

Growing up in a Christian family taught me a lot about the practice and disciplines. One of my favorites is reading the 5 Psalms and Proverb that corresponds to todays date. For instance today I would read Psalm 13, 43, 73, 103, 133 and Proverbs 13. So I seized the moment, and read Psalm 13. Verse 5-6 captured me, so I'll share... But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because he has dealt bountifully with me. Yeah, so God just highlighted my responsibility; what is it I have to do? Trust, rejoice, and sing. God's responsibility is to love, save, and give bounty. AHHHHHH, ok!

Trust: lean into God's mercy for your life. Rejoice: encourage yourself and speak to your heart that there is so much to be thankful for. Sing: make up songs in the shower, while driving to work, about the ones you love, and the ones who love you. Enjoy being encircled by a loving saving and gracious Father. Looking forward to stealing back some more time, THAT was a great 10 minutes.

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